Buy Quality Scaffolding

Although it’s tempting to try and save some extra cash by buying cheaper scaffolding for your project, the cheapest option may end up costing you more in the long run. The true cost of scaffolding materials depends on many factors – not just the initial direct money paid. Indirect productivity costs and extended downtime as well as workplace health and safety concerns all affect the final cost. Complete Scaffold Solutions have put this guide together to help you understand that cheaper isn’t always the best option.

Why Invest in High Quality Scaffolding?

If you are the project manager, going with the lowest cost scaffolding may seem the right thing to do. However, it will cost you more down the line. Using quality scaffolding is an investment in the success of your project.

Avoid Purchasing Additional Consumables

Low quality scaffolding will require more consumables to be purchased after the fact whereas quality systems are carefully planned to include all parts. This means you won’t have to make additional purchases of things such as wood, tape and nails that will be thrown out later. Not only do these consumables cost you money, they also have associated labour costs. Factoring in extra consumables and labour costs makes the lowest bid no longer look that attractive.


Minimal Need for Custom-Made Parts

Advanced scaffolding systems such as those by Complete Scaffold Solutions can reduce or eliminate the need for specially made parts. Cheaper scaffolding comes without all the bells and whistles so the need for after-market parts increases. With our scaffolding, if you do need a custom-made part, we can manufacture it to your exact specifications in our Brisbane factory. Our expert designers and engineers will then craft the perfect product fit for purpose.


Avoid Change Orders:

Changing orders halfway through a project can rapidly increase project costs. This is a waste of money and a result of poor planning. Complete Scaffold Solutions can help avoid these types of mistakes with our professional designers and in-house engineering team.


Get The Most Suitable Scaffolding:

Some people are totally unaware but not all scaffolding is created equal. Some scaffolding is more suited to some industries whereas other is better for other applications. Complete Scaffold Solution produce on of the most versatile scaffolding available in the country. Produced from 100% quality Australian made materials, our products have a wide variety of applications.


Improve Safety:

Health and safety officers are aware of the true costs of cutting corners. Our solid systems meet all Australian standards and reduce worker exposure to hazards to mitigate risks. Cheaper scaffolding or imported products may have bad welding and even weaken your entire structure completely.

Contact Complete Scaffold Solutions Today

With decades of experience in the construction industry and a team of experts on hand, Complete Scaffold Solutions are the best choice for your next project. With quality scaffolding made from the finest Aussie materials, our products are built to withstand the tough local conditions. From mobile and static to custom-made swing stages, we are the first choice when it comes to keeping your project on track and workers safe. Contact Complete Scaffold Solutions today on 1300 266 777.