
Australian Standards and Scaffolding

The majority of scaffolding requirements are based on Australian Standard 1576. To guarantee that scaffolding is in proper condition, there are a number of steps which must be taken. Complete Scaffold Solutions have provided you with this guide for scaffold maintenance and inspection to assist you in the future.


Scaffold Height Requirements


You shall not use scaffolds which are suspended, hung, spurred or cantilevered, along with any kind of scaffolding where a person or an object could fall from a height of more than four metres before a qualified person has inspected them. The last thing the team at Complete Scaffold Solutions want is to hear that any of our valued customers have gotten injured. Nobody should use scaffolding unless they have been sent written confirmation that a proper inspection has taken place to certify that it is safe. Full inspections should take place after repairs have been undertaken – no one may use the scaffolding until this is done. While scaffolding is in use, it should receive an inspection at least once every 30 days. If one of these inspections discovers that the scaffolding is damaged or at risk of causing injuries, there are a number of steps which must be taken. Firstly, you should address any damages by repairing them fully. Next, you will need to have another inspection by a qualified person before your scaffolding can be used again.



Scaffold Access Requirements


You must ensure that unauthorised people cannot access scaffolding in order to prevent injuries or death. Regardless of whether scaffolding is complete or attended, the only people who use it must be certified to do so. In the event of injury or damage, the scaffolding must be inspected by a qualified person immediately to find out what went wrong and what actions should be taken to restore the scaffold to its original condition.



Scaffold Inspection Requirements


Handover inspections occur after the scaffold has been erected to guarantee that it was installed properly and is in the right condition for the workers to use. This is another time that written approval is essential before letting authorised people access the scaffolding.

After handover has been completed, this is when the policy of inspection occurring once every 30 days begins to take effect. Additionally, your supplier must be consulted at regular intervals. It is highly important that you take note of any signs of rust as a result of weather exposure during these inspections as it this known to weaken the structure of scaffolding as much as other issues if it is not addressed quickly.


Contact the Scaffolding Experts Today


Although it may seem like there is a lot of information to process when it comes to Australian Standards and scaffolding, don’t worry. The team of experts at Complete Scaffold Solutions are here to help you understand all the requirements for safe and effective scaffolding use. To find out more information about this topic, send an email to or call 0411 692 601.



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