Steer Clear Of These 5 Scaffold Tower Mistakes

Scaffolding towers are highly useful for any construction project – they allow work to continue at heights for extended periods of time. Generally, it is advised that ladders should not be used for consecutive long hours. Scaffold towers are a much more comfortable and practical way to work at heights during projects in Australia. Nevertheless, great care must be shown when using tower scaffolding – if workers become complacent, serious injuries or death could occur. We’ve listed five of the most common mistakes that occur when using scaffold towers around Australia.

 Don’t Settle For Subpar, Inexpensive Scaffold Towers

It is completely understandable that companies want to save money whenever possible. However, scaffold towers are one expense that you should never skimp on. Make sure you invest in high quality scaffold towers made in Australia – don’t settle for cheap foreign knock-offs. You may need to spend a little more money from the outset, but it will help to prevent your workers from sustaining severe injuries while undertaking work on site.


Never Attempt To Increase The Height Of Towers Using Other Objects


Going up and down a scaffold tower in the Australian heat is hard work – as a result, some companies try to take shortcuts. We have heard stories about workers using items around the worksite like chairs or boxes to try and add additional height to scaffolding. Even items like a step ladder are designed for ground use, and are not safe to use on scaffolding platforms. Don’t let your workers take unnecessary risks – make safety a priority today so you can avoid catastrophes in the future.


Never Exceed Safe Workloads On Your Scaffolding Tower


Although weight recommendations may seem frustrating, they exist for good reason. The last thing you want to risk is the safety of your staff or other workers during construction projects. Make sure you never utilise scaffold towers to store heavy equipment for extended periods of time, as it may cause your platform to deteriorate. If any tools or appliances are dropped from the scaffolding platform, people on the ground could get seriously hurt.


Avoid Using Scaffold Towers On Very Windy Days

Well-designed Australian scaffolding is built to withstand harsh weather conditions, including intense winds. However, working at heights is inherently risky and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Rather than rushing the project and putting people in danger, it’s better to take a break and get back to work when the weather is back to normal. Strong winds can make your scaffold tower move suddenly and send small debris like rocks and branches flying downwards unexpectedly. The leading cause for injuries to workers since 2012 was falling from heights – don’t let your loyal workers become another statistic.


Be Careful When Moving Around On Top Of Scaffolding

Even though scaffold towers in Australia are designed to be far stronger than ladders, never assume that they are invincible. This scaffolding is designed to be used with reasonable caution, so never let your employees be reckless when working at heights. Avoid unexpected or sudden actions like dropping heavy objects or jumping down onto them.


Hire Or Purchase Scaffold Towers in Australia

Working at heights is inherently dangerous, but exercising proper care can ensure that work continues smoothly without injuries. When you need reliable scaffold towers, choose Complete Scaffold Solutions. We’ve got decades of hands-on experience in the Australian scaffolding industry and we take pride in the quality of our products. To get in touch with our friendly team, call 1300 266 777.

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